Don’t worry – the G is silent.
Clearly I cannot count, its been over four years – and now it is not only a brand New Year but also a brand New Decade! The latter which my youngest kindly reminds me about any chance possible. Thinking about it, I am pretty sure at this point in my life I am considered older than dirt by both of my children. I mean, the youngest once asked me if everything was black & white while I was a child, so I guess that is my milestone telling me that I am over the hill now. What hill? Knowing me, I might have tripped over it or never saw it in the first place. I guess that is what happens when life gets busier than you had planned. When did I start forgetting so many silly things? I bet it’s when I decided having multiple hobbies was a good idea! Where did the time go?
The first year I was under the impression that it would settle down quick and I would have more time. What a silly thought that was! After that first year things just sped up three-fold. I changed my job path in an entirely different direction but it worked, once it settled down a little – for the most part. And while I can adapt well, that does not mean I like change – ever, during the same time we also decided to move to a new town. I met some good people and I met some not so great people. Most of the time that first year went as well as expected with this size of a transition. Faster than winter break quick!
Now the second year went almost as quick, and there were other life changes all rolled in, including the idiom “Keeping up with the Joneses” which for me means something totally different than most. We dealt with a nutty neighbor and it was nothing as fun or quirky as what you could imagine, I promise. Maybe I could talk about we decided to pack up & move to the far North East? Yes, back up north in snow land, snow bound, snow, snow snow!
Literally I can say within the last four years, the first three were jam packed full of so much craziness it just might turn into a book on its own.
I think this last year has been fairly chill . It took time but things have settled down to the point where we have most of our check list checked off. We have had friends and family visit, though most have stated they will only visit during the warmer months of the year.
Right now we are enjoying winter break, the downtime is very rewarding. The free time also allows for new ideas of what types of projects we want to take moving forward, and I love planning for things so this is excellent – after we hammer down exactly what we are doing, ha! We are also out-numbered by pets again, and that to me seems pretty normal besides we have a larger home so they have plenty of room to roam around.
Now who has a clear vision of exactly how many new years resolutions they plan on breaking? I don’t plan to break any as I don’t plan to jump on that bandwagon. Be a good person – it is not a complicated concept, for those confused by that or hungover today – don’t be an asshole. Keep it simple!
The final storm of 2019 was a weird one, it was mostly calm but some reports showed thunder snow which I thought was interesting. I wish our area could have seen it! I guess still going into 2020 right now, we need to realize there will always be idiots on the road and accidents that happen during winter weather travels, even those shorter commutes. It is a still little snowy out there in our area & will be for sometime but remember – stay safe out there.