For all of those personal, that we have lost…
For all of those private (we yet know of), that we have lost…
For all of those professional, that we have lost…
For all of those public, that we have lost…
I apologize for this year starting out the way it has. It seems in 2021 people still think living like this is acceptable, or that those in power seem to think inciting acts like this would be something worthy to go down in the history books. I completely understand my children’s generations political mentality, beknown to them their parents share in some of their concerns.

What in the absolute fuck is wrong with these people? It is shameful to share a planet them. Why can we not learn that division does not add up to anything in the end (we are not discussing ending zeros math nerds). People want to talk about those rising up, we are watching it now. Some who knew it was brewing long ago , waiting on the sidelines with popcorn. Others who seem to live in a bubble of blindness, and a few who can see between the lines.
When speaking of such subjects it is important to remember that I am not trying to throw random people under this magic bus. Instead I am talking about the people who are okay with the violence, with the inaccurate information being not only broadcast but also spread – these things are not okay. It does not take a rocket science to understand that…it’s fucking atrocious as Forbes nicely points out.

PS I’m back.