It is so funny to think that some stayed and tuned for the long-awaited return. Now I know that patience is a virtue but after resorting most of this entire blog from the barely there ground up, it has left me with quite a few random drafts that were never completed or never published. Whoopsies. I guess they had the staying power after-all, or I just have an amazing web host, it could be both (and I could be bias).
The last entry I ended with the note of value theory. It seems like a decent starting point because right now it seems the more people I speak with, the more are just as utterly confused as I am when it comes to trying to process what we are dealing with each day when we hear the news or read a feed.
I think that most people right now after hearing of recent new assume that majority of people are bad. Then there are a few optimistic people still out there who believe that majority of the people are good. It seems to be the age old question. Sometimes I wonder what happens to those who were raised in specific circumstances, who at a young age are taught one thing and as they age they realize what they were taught was technically “wrong” based along on their own gut feelings. Where are all of these people hiding? Why can they not come forward and stop some of the madness we are witnessing daily on the news?
We have watched one week into the new year where humans have proclaimed themselves as “Patriots”, these people whom have literally trampled the steps of our capital – what the fuck. Now anyone who knows me is well aware that I am totally fine with a peaceful protest. I can from a psychological point of view understand how people can be so frustrated that they begin to raise their voice, shout and generally be loud. If you ask my spouse, I can randomly break out into crazy person but we are just going to blame that on being an old crone. What I don’t agree with us how utterly stupid these people are and here is the logic.
You don’t like the way the government is governing. Okay cool. I dig it. Do something legal about it, not illegal. Many today around the world are watching the House debate on a 2nd Impeachment vote, and one actually stated “more troops in the us capitol right now than the middle east”. Holy shit you can’t make this stuff up. Don’t forget, there was a slumber party, sorry if you were not invited.

The way these people have disgraced capital building gives way for total disgust in the same way people who mistreat animals, children and old people – it fucking disgusts me. In the way those who prey on the innocence and vulnerability disgusts me, where they all need kicked in the dick. Fuck your feelings when you think this is the answer that will solve things.
Two wrongs do not make a right. Seeing grown adults care enough about themselves rather than their entire country, acting like a bunch of spoiled rotten children who have never had a proper parental figure to teach them how to act in public.
You disgraced and trampled over areas that are not yours to just trample over. DC was treated it like a piece of trash and people are wondering why there is a No-Fly List- then end up on it. Actually, worse than a piece of trash. I really don’t know what it was treated like other than the most non-Patriot thing of all time. Fuck you waiting for a ride home, when you trespass like that and say you are protesting – fuck you. There is no collect 200 after you pass go.
What I don’t understand is how in the hell you think stampeding Congress like a bull in a tea shop is going to do anything other than escalate things further. That is literally like trying to debate your way out of the punishment when you are caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Even the show that airs dumbest criminals I doubt would even touch these idiots with a ten foot pole.
Right now we have many children still at home with remote learning due to the Covid madness, now we have grown adults acting like children at the state capital? Yes you want the message spread loud and clear, but breaking into a Federal Building is the dumbest thing I am pretty sure I have ever seen in my entire lifetime. And if you think I don’t know weird and crazy shit you have never met any of my exes.
This does not teach our children anything other than those so called Patriots are willing to do something that would have any non-citizen or maybe even any non-dual citizen jailed or killed for. We are not even touching the subject of race yet, – stay tuned! We all know things were broke too – not counting people injured and killed. People need to stop calling it what they want and start calling it what it is – ignorance & insanity. For being a group of United States who are dealing with so many intertwined issues, we are a country of division instead – let’s change that.