Not in my lifetime…

The other weekend we spent a good bit of the day watching some movies. Now for that its normal with us but for watching more than one Kung-fu movie at a time, not so much. We never do any crazy themed movie nights and most times if we even watch more than one movie at a time they have almost nothing in common. This day came as a surprise but it was a much-needed lazy day break to unwind with. Today I am sure we need one too but in the midst of a work week that is just not going to happen.

We watched the The Karate Kid (2010 make, not the original) and we actually came into the movie part way through but we gave up and watched it anyway. We also caught IP Man from the start and just the title made me start thinking like a geek, once it started I quickly made that chatter in my noggin run off as it had nothing to do with Internet Protocol. Instead it dealt with the insanity with the life with a man during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Let me just say IP Man does indeed outrank The Karate Kid any day of the week, now it did not come out this year but that does not matter. If you missed it, rent it, is worth it….

Patience is a virtue

I have heard this pretty much all of my life and its only at the times when the patience ran away from me. I can think of at least a dozen scenarios between the ages of being a toddler learning how to ride a bike, up until my teen years when this phrase would repeat almost like a broken record. Even now knowing that I am older and sometimes wiser I have actually caught myself saying it to others. Talk about turning into your parents’ right?

One thing that I have been patient for is the upcoming vacation. Do not get me wrong, it’s not a full week or even two at a ridiculously priced hotel far off on an island somewhere, but it’s still my damn vacation. For that I am ecstatic. Besides, how many people do you really know as busy as myself & my significant other that can handle two weeks off work? I mean we would enjoy it don’t get me wrong, but before we could even plan it we would need to break out & setup robots to take our place. The amount of work we can manage with being multitasking geeks, maybe only a robot could handle. Besides if we hired our geek friends to replace us it would cost too much, robots are cheaper.

Per my husband I am “broom centric”

I am guessing broomcentric is the word of the day today, at least in my household it’s a common word that is randomly tossed around. Don’t fret few faithful readers; this is not my coming out party. At least not for what I am guessing some suspected, no I am not completely crazy. Broomcentric is a term that we use in the house sometimes when we are talking about my thoughts and beliefs on things that most are too shy or fearful to bring up at the random business meeting, dinner for the first time with the in-laws or put on a résumé when applying for a job.

Really I cannot think of anyone that freely advertises their thoughts and beliefs on the things they believe or do not believe in. Maybe some do, but most don’t. I was born into a split religion household, one parent Catholic and the other Methodist. This of course made for an interesting time when I was old enough to actually start piecing together what religion was or what we were told it was.