Weight Loss Sign Shows Dieting Advice
What’s the skinny? That seems to be what people say when they are trying to catch up with old friends whom they have not heard from in years. For me it should be what’s the thick as I have worked since last month to get back on track to having a healthy weight. Taking the last two month’s of the year off to not exercise does have its perks, I will not feel any guilt for the weight I pack it on, doctor’s orders and all.

Thinking back to the other evenings entry of Thinspiration I just wanted to note for everyone that they actually come with a creed too, it is called “Ana’s Creed”. Feel free to Google it if you want, I refuse to post it here nor will I link to any site that has it listed. Their skinny is far different from my skinny, and that is the skinny! These are the things I will educate my children on and explain why it is wrong. I am not going to diss the Ana’s or the Mia’s out there but in no way will I let anyone I know go down this destructive path without giving them a serious piece of my mind. There is a difference between a healthy weight and what a crude imagination can to towards the perception of what true body image is.

For me when I started this journey two years ago I had to go from a workaholic lifestyle that ended with “downtime” being “lazy time” and make the change which I knew would better me in the end. Minus the pneumonia it has been all good and working out did not cause the pneumonia, more than likely it was a snot nosed kid that infected me. Next time I visit that school I just might wear a hazmat suit.

This weeks Weigh Day Wednesday has snuck up on me and let’s see what it shows. So what’s the skinny? Not too damn shabby if I don’t say so myself, 27.9% change since I started two years ago. I am within two pounds of my new target goal and in the past month packed on five new ones since the dip started. Happy Hump Day all!

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